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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thrummin' Hornbergs

Slightly Modified
weighted body

.. This slightly modified classic is just now making it's appearance beneath the ice on Hebgen Lake. The neighbors call it the "Bearded Hornberg," or the "Rasty Hornberg." It's tied just like the standard pattern with the addition of a large beard.
.. It's attached to the fishing line behind it's ample head with a standard riffling hitch; a small split shot is also suspended from the eye of the hook. Rigged correctly this allows the fly to hang in the water in a nearly horizontal position.
.. Neighbors don't remember a Whitefish being taken on this fly. Speculation allows it to mimic a small fish, thus attractive to the large rainbows and Browns in the lake. Truth be told it's any one's guess about what it really imitates. And like so many attractor flies it is not a major topic of conversation. It works, and that's that.
.. This pattern is almost always fished with a thrumming rod. Infrequently it is dangled beneath a tip-up. The thrumming rod allows the vibrations from the thumb-thrummer to move the fly in subtle ways beneath the water. Additionally, speculation allows that the vibrations attract the fish. Whatever the case, this is a rig that the neighbors favor when looking for the big trout in the reservoir.
.. NB: Maggots are scarce already. Meal worms are disappearing fast. Most night crawlers are dry or growing green stuff. It might be time to give the artificials a heavy workout.
.. More to come
Merry Christmas

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