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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Z Fish Report (3/18/10)

      The 80° blue water has moved into the 6 mile area. The fishing has picked up some, with the best hard working captains all getting a few fish, and the El Cheapo captains, working through the hotel travel agencies and beach coyotes, giving their clients a nice boat ride.

       Karen and Saxon Hutmacher of Alaska fished two days with Cali on the Vamonos II. On the first day they had a couple of strikes on sailfish, got a striped marlin, and then also got a blue marlin of about 300 pounds to the boat. The next day they got two sailfish.
        Mike Buckley, owner of the twin engine super panga Huntress, emailed me with the following: We had two charters, one inshore with lots of bonita and two dorado and one offshore with three sailfish at 22 miles. All three sails struck at the same time and we released them all. Water was beautiful, but that was the only action all day.
          Todd Sandell and his friend Ron of Seattle treated themselves to their 40th birthdays by fishing with Cheva on the panga Dos Hermanos II with their 8wt fly rods. They had excellent action on the small game, with most of the fish being the hard fighting black skipjack tuna, but they also got a very nice sierra, which was their dinner that night.
Ed Kunze

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