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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My goal for 2010: Become a Certified Casting Instructor

I've decided to try to become a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructor. I made it a goal this year.
I'll be working with several skilled instructors, including Master Certified Casting Instructors John Hand, Dusty Sprague and Pete Greenan.
I've been fly casting for nearly 40 years, but I don't think getting certified is guaranteed or even easy. I think it will take lots of work, practice and concentration. I've probably got 40 years' worth of bad habits accumulated.
I spent last weekend at the grand opening of Flint Creek Outfitters in Riverview. I was a featured fly tyer and talked about kayak fishing and beach snook fishing. While there, I got to talk with Hand and Sprague. They didn't know it, but I was prepping for the exam by picking their brains!
Tomorrow, I'm going to work with Sprague, learning the various required casts required on the CCI performance exam. Those seeking certification are required to show loop control, cast tailing loops on command, display wide loops and perform roll casts, reach casts left, reach casts right, side arm casts, pile casts, roll casts, off side roll casts, wide loop roll casts, narrow loop roll casts, accuracy casts, offside accuracy casts, target roll casts, double hauling and distance casts.
Then, the MCI will ask questions to make sure you really understand the casts and of what they're comprised.
There's also a written exam. You must score 85 or better to pass.
I've taught many people how to cast, but I think certification is very important because it will make me a better teacher. I not only will be able to identify faults, but also how to correct them in the proper manner.
I've set a target date of October to achieve this goal. I will conduct seminars at the Florida Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers annual Conclave in Celebration. That's where I will be tested.
Meanwhile, I will be studying and practicing.

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