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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Z Fish Report (6/21/12)

Dave Henry's fly caght rooster from last week
Even though there is some outstanding roosterfish action along the beaches, this week’s report is not so much about fishing, but rather the rain we have been getting all week.

By the time Hurricane Carlotta got to us, she had moved inland and broken down to a tropical depression. But, she must have left a huge hole of a low pressure area, because it sucked in all the moisture from the Pacific right down on us. It started raining intensely on Saturday afternoon, with the intense rains lasting through Sunday. We got 12 inches in those two days, but at least there was no wind, or it could have been bad. From Monday, until even as I am typing this on Thursday morning, it has been an on and off again sprinkling, with some measurable rain. It does look like it will be clearing tomorrow (Friday) however, leaving a storm total of about 20 inches.
Sarah Henry with a nice fly caught jack crevalle fishing with
Arturo on the panga Janeth
Adolfo, on the panga Dos Hermanos, did get out for 1 day of fishing yesterday with Rick Gandy of San Clemente, CA. They got wet, but also got 20 nice roosters using the surface popper. They were fishing the beaches down below Valentine (pronounced bal-en-teen). Adolfo told me there were lots of roosters and the water conditions were ideal.

Sarah with a nice fly caught sierra
The Thursday before, and the day I posted the fish report, we were having trouble with the water being gin clear, which makes it tough to catch the wary rooster. Adolfo called me and I told him of the area we got our fish in that day. The next day he made the long run to Puerto Vicente Guerrero with client Cameron Hicks from California. They got 12 nice roosters.
Cameron Hicks with one of his 12 spin caught roosters.
Wild shorts! He wanted blue water fishing and came
dressed for it but I talked him into going for roosters
 as his best bet.
I have heard nothing of the offshore fishing. This week it was rain keeping the boats at home, but even last week we were only getting 1 or 2 boats a day going out with clients, and that is usually for inshore fishing. With no people, the municipal pier is almost spooky in the mornings.
Ed Kunze (IGFA Representative)

To get a better understanding of what fishing is best and at what time of the year click on the link:

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