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Monday, June 11, 2012

Snow Gone, Rain Coming

June Is The Wet Month
sporadic fishing = sporadic catching

.. The west side rivers are now at their average seasonal discharge rates. They are cool and clearing. There will be afternoon thundershowers all week. How usual - for June.
.. A bit of rain never hurt the catching. A bit of lightning can grab that $700.00 whip in your hand and blow holes in your socks. Be bear aware and be lightning aware.
.. Although the sage advice from the experts blames the spotty nature of catching on the current water conditions, it's as much due to the avoidance of inclement weather by fishers as it is the water.
.. Some notes to get you started:
- Firehole River = PMD's in the morning, Caddis after the thunder storms in the sunny afternoons: BWO's starting and Stoneflies in the canyon.
- Madison River = Woolly Buggers under the banks, stonefly nymphs in the riffles,
- Nez Perce Creek = walk the Mary Mountain Trail and enjoy the scenery. Nymphs in the tail-outs, surface attractors in the smooth glides and pillows, carry bear spray,
- Gibbon River, (small  meadows,) = any thing that floats in a size 14 - 18. Any thing that sinks in a size 10 - 16. Below the falls = small stoneflies and big nymphs.
- Specimen Creek = Elk Hair Caddis on top, Shop Vac down below.
.. There are still some fine fish to be caught in Solfaterra Creek. It's worth the walk and the kids in campers.
.. By the way: the sinuous waters of the Madison River, around Bakers Hole, that weave into and out of the park are providing serious catching opportunities. Be sure that you have both a Montana fishing license and a Yellowstone Park permit in this productive water. Try something big and wiggly too.

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