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Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday Bass Bash!!

Went out for a couple of hours yesterday! There was lots of white water and a nice big swell rolling in! So i went to a spot with deep gully's where i know Bass will be! First cast of my Savage gear into the white water and i was on!! Ohhh its gotta be a Bass. But came to the surface and it was a Wrasse!

I Kept getting hits Fish on and off within 5 secs! Not too sure why they were not staying on! But moved to a different Gully Loads of white water in this one first cast there as soon as it hits the water Boom Fish on :)
Was very difficult to land as i was on my own and with the waves crashing over the rocks (you can imagine) But i managed to get it in the net :)

I had no scales with me on this session or Ruler! But i estimated the first one of around 3lb!

Then no more fish came to that Gully moved around the next corner around 5 casts there, another fish on :D Guessing the 2nd fish was a little bigger than the first one probs 3 1/2 lbs !

So all in all was a good 2 hours well spent !:-D

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