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Thursday, August 4, 2011

out to lunch

Sorry, we can't answer the phone right now on account of being too busy reeling in fish and stuffing our faces at Mogan Mania! Please leave a message at the sound of the "Fish on, brotha!" The AF crew is on vacation and taking their fans with them. If the state seems like it’s leaning to the East, it's just all of us gathering at River Palm Cottages for the biggest bash of the summer.

We're not letting some cloud with a name rain on our parade. Rain or shine, wind and waves… it doesn’t matter. The Mogan Militia threw a heck of a bash when Tropical Storm Bonnie came knocking last year. Emily is more than welcome to show up this year.

The weekend schedule flows as follows: Fun, fishing, food, family, friendships and more fun. Friday kicks things off with a Meet & Greet Happy Hour under the Chickee. Saturday morning everyone takes to the water to do some fishing and picture taking. After a day on the water, the group will come back to prepare the best dadgum potluck style feast ever assembled. Mr. Producer will turn the pictures into a presentation to show off everyone’s catch of the day. Awesome prizes from our sponsors will be raffled off to raise money for Project Snook so bring some extra spending money! After that, there's no telling what might happen. No, seriously… there's no telling. Not a word! What happens at River Palm… well, you know.

If you're not heading to Mogan Mania this weekend, keep an eye on the Mogan Lounge while we're gone. You never know what might be leaked from the sanctuary of Mogan Mania. Also, visit FINS on FaceBook and "Like" the site. There’s a FINS promo to be announced soon!

Mogan Maidens are back on the front page! Michele Godwin shared her fishing report from Mosquito Lagoon on our FaceBook page. She's been catching monster redfish and trout that easily register as biggans. Michele, thanks for the reports and for putting Mogan Maidens back on the front page!

Packing an extra rubber ducky,

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