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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Z Fish Report (1/31/13)

Photo by Brian Hetland 
Kill a bill fish…NO Tip! (See below for the explaination)

In spite of the full moon period the offshore fishing is still doing well with lots of sailfish, quite a few dorado, and even some yellowfin tuna being caught. The 82 degree blue water is now hugging the 100 fathom line, and averaging about 5 miles off the beach.

Brian with one of his spin caught sailfish on the Llamarada
Brian Hetland was here from North Dakota for his annual trip, and fishing on the pangas Llamarada (offshore) and Dos Hermanos (inshore). He was mostly using spin gear for both the sailfish and the large jack crevalle. He sent some great photos to me, which I have posted on this report. His best day, aboard the Llamarado, was 5 sailfish.
Brian took this underwater photo wih his little Olympus camera

Brian also took this photo. I believe it is pieces of squid
 coming out

Rick on the Gitana
Santiago, on the super panga Gitana emailed me this: This week, Chris & Jody Bird from Minnesota fished one day with Adan aboard the Gitana II, tagging & releasing 4 sailfish. Also Victor Stoltz from Alaska fished two days on the Gitana II for 8 Sailfish and 2 dorado, (his nephew and friend Rick from Seattle also fished each day with Victor).

Bill Mc Lean and wife from Florida fished with me for two days on the Gitana, Tagging and Releasing 5 sailfish and taking a huge dorado. Victor Stoltz and his friend Rick fished with me today (Wednesday). We tagged & released 6 sailfish.

Ron Marblestone of Redwood City, CA fished a day with Cheva, releasing 3 sailfish. 

The super panga Huntress, with Captain Francisco,
"had 6 charters in the past 7 days, releasing 19 sailfish, mostly on spinning rods, and boating 4 large Dorado, all bulls. The blue water remains close but the fish have moved out to the 20 mile line. On Tuesday, we found the yellowfin tuna at 21 miles but every time we got close enough, we hooked a sail. Released 4 that day along with 2 Dorado, but no tuna bites". - Mike Bulkley
 The inshore action is still holding well with a few roosters, large jack crevalle, and lots of sierras. Santiago made the long run to Vicente Guerrero and got 3 nice roosters for Rick and Victor.

Brian with a nice jack crevalle
Ed Kunze (IGFA Representative)

For a better understanding of our seasons and species of fish here in Ixtapa /Zihuatanejo, please click on the link to my web site and scroll down on the left side bar for “Calendar”…

Remember: Kill a bill fish…NO Tip!

The last several afternoons I have been on the pier watching the boats come in, I noticed several boats with 1 or 2 dead sailfish. I believe there are two causes for this. 1) The first problem is the captains who practice catch and release are releasing their fish for the most part. But, they still use the archaic “J” hooks, which inherently will get stuck in the gills on too long of a free spool drop back, or a very aggressive fish. This can be eliminated by the use of the proven circle hooks. 2) The second factor is because most tourists are not experienced at fishing for billfish. They will not even want to spend a couple of hundred dollars and go fishing, unless the reports are where they have a great chance of catching one. Then they charter a boat from a coyote on the beach, or a travel agent in the hotel, who knows he will never see them again. In turn, the coyote then gets the cheapest boat he can find, in order to maximize his commission. The pangas generally charge about $150 to the coyote. They go fishing, and in order for the panga captain to have a decent day, he must kill a couple of fish and sell them for about $30 each, and then with a decent tip, he is back to getting what the better captains who do not use coyotes (and release their fish), charge for a day of fishing.

The only way to stop the use of “j” hooks or intentionally killing fish is to hit the captain in the pocket book. Kill a fish…No Tip!

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