Down In The Valley
hoppers & droppers reign
.. Up toward Mammoth in the lower elevations of rivers, that we seldom visit, there are eager fish waiting for adventurous anglers willing to wander among cobbles and boulders in order to dance with trout... The Trout Whisperers of the civilized corner of Yellowstone National Park are dragging in fish with conventional rigs and no secret flies.
.. By avoiding the big fish syndrome and fishing on the Gardner River or Yellowstone River anglers are having great catching success.
.. Depending on the locale, it's hopper-dropper or attractor or big-n-ugly. Fish are moving around and upstream. They eat and run and it is useful to cover a lot of water and fish all the apparent and less apparent places. The little darlings are very active right now.
.. Closer to home, the Madison River is seeing an influx of head hunters and submarine chasers. There are even folks with huge Spey Rods seeking the denizens from Hebgen Lake.
.. Some of these fishers are just getting an aerobic workout - others are catching a few fish. One thing for sure, they move the elbows out of the way with their flailing on the river.
.. The resident fish are taking some of the big flies and disappointed expletives are ringing through the incised stream courses as fishers set themselves up for disappointment by targeting the very few runners in the system. They'll be here in numbers soon enough.
.. Big-n-ugly seems to be on the end of most rods along the Madison right now. The mindset seems to be that it can do no harm.
.. Meanwhile the caddis have fired up on the Firehole River and also on the Gallatin River. Neither of these two rivers require a Spey Rod and neither is crowded right now.
..It's time for huevos rancheros and some hot chocolate - the second pot of coffee is gone. The neighbors make a killer salsa and we're invited.
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