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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Z Fish Report (11/6/10)

The fishing has slowed way down. We were getting a couple of sailfish a day, and 2 or 3 nice sized dorado for each boat. But, a cold water current, combined with heavy organic rich outflows from the Rio Balsas about 40 miles to the north have shut things down. The Rio Balsas is Mexico’s largest river and has a huge 100 mile long water storage impoundment behind it. With our record rains this year, they are still continuing to open the flood gates, pushing the blue water out to about 25 miles.

            Plus, the cold water current and the stained water from the river have completely shut the coastal inshore fishery down. Fly fishing with David and Sarah Henry of British Columbia, we made the trip down to Puerto Vicente Guerrero to get away from the turbid conditions, but the cold water still had the fishing on hold. We raised a few roosterfish, and even had a couple of excellent chances, but not nearly as much as what we were hoping for.
           Mike Bulkley, with the super panga Huntress, reports about the same for the offshore fishing. They went 40 miles for tuna and only got 4 dorado on 2 double hooks-ups at the 28 mile mark.

In the photo, when we fished north to the bar at Union, is a fly rod double hookup by Dave and Sarah Henry on dorado. Dave got the first one, with Sarah's leaping fish getting hooked by following Dave's fish back to the boat
Ed Kunze

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