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Monday, October 4, 2010

Smallmouth Bass Eats a Snake

On Saturday we electrofished a 4 acre smallmouth bass lake over near Victoria, IL. We found this smallmouth bass with a partially digested snake hanging out of it. We either shocked the snake out prematurely or the bass was trying to get rid of it from its gut:

Smallmouth bass lake looks pretty interesting eh?

Greg Grimes from aquatic environmental services down in Georgia came up Thursday night with a truckload of fish for many of my clients. He stayed for a few days to do some deer hunting and helped out quite a bit on a few electrofishing surveys on Saturday between hunts.

I thought this retaining wall looked pretty cool. The beach is still under construction, but will be real nice once completed. It is from a clients lake near Henry, IL.

Greg and Justin were able to get some good practice in before going out to hunt every evening.

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