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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If Not Now? When ?

How's The Firehole Look
not too bad

.. The record high temperature for September in West Yellowstone, Montana is only 91 °F. The record low is -9 °F. This does not appear to be a year in which either of these extremes will be reached.
.. The average high temperature for the month is 66 °F, and the average low is 30 °F. The statistical mean temperature for September is 48 °F.
.. The lower Firehole River runs at an  elevation of between 7,100' & 7,260' above sea level. That's 500' - 700'  above the statistical data base for West Yellowstone weather.
.. The upper Firehole River, (above the Kepler Cascades,) runs from 7,550' to the recent snows at 7,800' above sea level - and above!
.. The world of feather merchants, fishing guides and soothsayers hold that Labor Day is the earliest that the Firehole River can be fished with a clear conscience.
.. That's just a few days off, and as we previously noted some of the neighbors have been fishing the cold springs that bubble up in the river for about two weeks. With this and the following in mind, it might be good to get a jump on the hoards of fishers that will barrel into the park this coming weekend.
.. What's the following? The fish in the river have lived in it for over 100 generations. Adaptation to the water and it's temperature fluctuations just may have taken place in that time - or evolution is a pile of bunk!
.. The weather will continue cool for the next two or three days and there are already snow flurries dusting the flanks of our mountains and the roads at Craig Pass, (over a foot,) and Dunraven Pass, (about 6",) in Yellowstone National Park.
.. None of this should be construed as an indication that Fall weather is here to stay. But, it is time to start visiting the Firehole River with some serious fishing in mind.
.. Arm yourself with a thermometer if you choose. Grab a 5 wt. rod and a handful of suspicious looking bits of fluff and then: defy the demigods of fluffery and go fishing tomorrow. You will catch a pile of eager, unmolested, frisky fish in cold water on the Firehole River.

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