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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Author

Above is a picture of James Barry taken the other night ( when he beat me 3-2 ) not that we would be competing or anything like that ! It was a great nights fishing with 5 bass in total and loads of mackerel , James was even taking the mackerel on a Z-Claw .
James is also going to be writing on this blog and will be in the shop from time to time (when I am fishing) so do not be afraid to drop in and pick his brain about lure fishing or bait as he will blow your mind with the info and knowledge the guy has. He is slightly obsessed about bass fishing , so watch his eyes light up when you mention it to him.
Be prepared for correct spelling , correct use of the English language , and some great posts on here from James. From now on when either of us post we will finish with our name so all of you will know who has written the post ( I think ye will tell anyway) . James is going to be a great asset to this blog with a wealth of knowledge and experiences to share.


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