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Friday, July 9, 2010

Drake Dawg and the Doctors

Yesterday Drake went to physical and developmental therapy. Today we just got back from a 3 hour hearing tests with Audiology specialists. Monday he heads to the Ear Throat Nose Specialist and then wednesday to see the head developmental doctor......whew boy!

The hearing tests confirmed severe to profound hearing loss in his right ear today. There was just a tiny bit of response from that ear that now they want us to put a hearing aid in it to stimulate the nerves for possible future hearing breakthroughs. First inclination was that Brook wants to go with the doc's recommendations, but I am just a bit skeptical. We are talking and researching before we decide for sure what to do. The good news is that hearing is really good in his left ear!

Still waiting on some blood work tests, etc. His platelette counts have been rising and falling very sharply and uncharacteristically. Lots of tests, doctors, specialists, therapists, developmentalists, etc, etc, etc;

Here is the kicker to everything- the boy is just so darn cute, smily, and good natured. You just wouldnt know there is anything wrong with him by looking at him or spending time with him. He is inquisitive, fat, happy, and pleasant to be around. He loves people and can't keep himself from smiling all day long. Here are some pics to document from his dad's diagnosis that he is just a perfectly normal child:

Here is one of Brook and the other kids so they dont feel left out:

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