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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Butter cup Yellow and the ladies wont leave me alone!!!

Been all around Derbyshire and Staffordshire rivers today to have a hour or two on each river and generally moving about..
The rain had changed river slightly in the night and got just what it needed, the rivers have been on there arse and good to look at but not the best for fishing so it was time to get out and a bit of colour would give me more stealth in my new approach to fly fishing, i am getting in very close to fish and keeping as much line off the water as possible, even while fishing the dry or nymphing is basically the same, i am using rod of 3# but 10ft and 9ft in length...this might seem odd for the smaller rivers but i am after better control and presentation, seeing the methods in czeching has opened my eyes on drag ect and time will see how i go on but today hit me bags of fish but most the oos Grayling...
From entering the Dove i could see that it was milking up slightly and from general fishing on rivers i know that if you catch it on its way up there is a short spell in 4hrs or so where you can get superb action, i think the fish sence what going on and start to hit the food before they have to take cover on a river high and coloured.....
This is what happened and my first cast into a likely looking pool produced a OOS Grayling arround a pound...I then moved around areas hitting fish after fish who were willing to hit the JT straggle nymph, the only downside being Grayling, yes its out of season now but the fish dont quite know it yet and are feeding heavy, the Trout on the other hand are not quite switched on and have not moved the Grayling out of the way and seem  to be holding in back eddies tight to the banks out of the flow, another few weeks will see both species swap positions. Its very hard to change your fishing spots as all the likely ones still hold Grayling...
I did manage to catch 5 trout, one beautfiul fish in its buttercup yellow, all were taken on a nymph as with heaavy rain there was never going to be a rise...i had too many Grayling really and one was huge but i did not weigh it as it just not feel right now they are OOS, i did not dare guess the weight!!!
I did see quite a few hatches of LDO coming off but nothing to get the fish turned on...
A great day out in heavy rain, nothing on the dry yet but i am ready and waiting!!!

Nice one

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