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Friday, July 24, 2009

Dovedale 'Wood gets his smile back'

Met Dave tonight at dovedale around seven, we had heard reports that the river was getting back to normal so decided to give it a go, arriving on the car park i took a glance at the river showing it losing its colour and dropping but still raised.

We had not fished since last week and this had done my head in so was pleased to get out even if fishing was poor...

We started at the bridge and i took a few fish in the first section to a klink, not a favorite fly of mine, but great in the river conditions..

Half way up the fast section i noticed a nice hatch of bwo with fish taking them with a confident splashy rise, i switched to a olive pattern which took a small fish but missed a good fish that i watched sipp my fly in only for me to strike too early a pull the hook! with the river flowing quite strong i was getting lots of drag which was putting fish off and they were having a good look then turning away with any sort of drag..

Looking above me i saw huge clouds of bwo spinners around the trees which lifted my hopes of a good spinner fall.

Dave hooked a nice fish up in the fast section only for the hook to pull after a good scrap, this got Daves back up, he has had some bad luck on our last outing and i could see his confidence dropping, we all have that in fishing, it drives me mad, confidence is massive in everything we do, if a top class footballer cant hit the net and he loses confidence things get worse, but soon as he scores he is at it again, the same goes for fishing, if you have no confidence you will not catch fish, you start to try too hard, strike too soon, not consentrate.. At these times we need to just knuckle down and go back to basics..

We sat down in the nursery section for a kelly brew and usual pork pies, was so great to be out fishing after a week break..

Dave started to fish while i watched him, fish were quite finicky in the nursery, the odd rise here and there, he turned around to me with a sad face and said 'i think im in for a blank youth' that second a fish hammered his olive pattern and gave him a right good run around.. Dave was into a nice fish, he then landed a wild trout of around a pound and a half, he was buzzing his head off, a quick picture and off she went, A cracking trout and a massive boost for my mate...

His eyes lit up and he was now back to normal, he said 'i am not bothered if i dont fish all night after that' We all know how he feels, we have all been there!

Dave actually ended up catching more fish and that was all to do with him being relaxed again, well done Dave you are back to normal...

As the light faded i worked my way down the stones section towards the bridge, hear i have spotted a very good fish all year and it always laughs at what i put past it.. I have hook it once and it blew 20 yards off my line and pulled the hook,

I tied on my 'living the dream sedge' and hooked a nice fish on first cast! getting on for the pound mark, a truley full wild brownie

(into a sedge smasher at dusk)

I then took another small fish but noticed the big fish rising again, i covered the fish with my sedge and on the third cast it smashed my ltd and hooked itself, my 3# looped clean over, i was in for seconds until a weak point in my tippet to fly line snapped, i was gutted, this fish has yet again turned me over! hopefully it will lose the barbless size 17 soon. I was more gutted to have left it trailing the hook than not catching it, goes to show why barbless must always be used..

A great night again with Dave and thank God he is smiling again!!!

Going the Wye on Sunday with Trugg, Dave Wood and Colemans, should be in for some fun, watch this space...................


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